The Chief Executive is responsible for the administration of the Council. He is assisted by the Deputy Chief Executive, Assistant Chief Executives, Heads of Departments and Heads of Sections for the smooth functioning of the District Council and Village Councils.

The Administrative Department comprises of the following sections:

 (1)      Central Administration – Office of the Chief Executive     

  • The Human Resource Management Section
  • Occupational Health & Safety Section
  • The Internal Audit Section
  • The Information Technology Section
  • Procurement Section
  • Local Disaster Management Coordinator
  • Risk Management, Citizen-Oriented Initiatives And Good Governance

 (2)      Public Infrastructure Department                                          

(3)      Land Use and Planning Department                                       

(4)      Welfare Department                                                           

(5)      Public Health Department                                                    

(6)      Finance Department           


Occupational Health & Safety Section

The Occupational Safety and Health Section forms part of the Administration Department and comprises of the Senior Safety & Health Officer/Safety & Health Officer. Its main objective is to implement safety measures for employees working in the Council’s premises to strive for zero accidents.

This can be achieved by the following: –

  • To provide and maintain a safe working environment for the employees working in the Council’s premises
  • To ensure the safety, health and welfare of all the employees working in the different premises
  • To provide relevant information, training and supervision on safety and health matters pertaining to the welfare of employees as stipulated in the OSH Act 2005.
  • To provide and maintain adequate welfare facilities for the employees of the manual grades such as medical screenings through health surveillance.
  • To provide a safe system of work and safety procedures for the employees in order to protect them against certain risk and hazards during their work activities.
  • To act as Secretary for the Safety and Health Committee for the Council which is held once every 2 months.


Internal Audit Section

This section is headed by a Principal Internal Control Officer who, directly report to the Chief Executive Officer.

The Principal Internal Control Officer is assisted by an Internal Control Officer/Senior Internal Control Officer in the performance of his duties.

This unit exercises control over the Council’s affair, ensuring that the appropriate procedures and practices are operating efficiently to achieve the objectives set, with a view to preventing fraud, malpractice, extravagance and waste.

Despite the limited resources available in terms of personnel, it is worth mentioning that the overall objectives of this section were most effectively and efficiently achieved through the scrutiny of documents, assets and appropriate site visits.


  • Special assignment on materials used on site.
  • Make inquiry and report to the Chief Executive.
  • Verification of odometer readings and movement book of officers/inspectors claiming car mileage allowance.
  • Surprise site visits on a spot basis according to daily works program of field workers.
  •  Attend the opening of bid box within the Procurement Committee.


  • Check that revenue and receipts are correctly recorded and banked.
  • Check the applicable rates for all sources of income on a sample basis.
  • Check receipt for manual collection of burial and incineration fees.
  • Perform audit exercise on bills of payment.
  • Carry out site visits for capital project works before payments are made to contractors/service providers.
  • Verify the computations and authorization of all claims for travel, overtime, mileage allowances and deductions on a monthly basis.
  • Audit the car loan calculation register book to ensure payment is made to eligible employees.
  • Verify and reconcile monthly payroll (including all statutory deductions).
  • Verification and reconciliation of daily cash and cheque collection and replenishment of petty cash.



  • Perform audit exercise on the computation of passage benefits, refund of yearly unutilized sick leaves.
  • Ensure that all relevant deductions have been made with respect to unauthorized leaves and leave without pay.
  • Examine all calculation forms relating to pension benefits and Compassionate Allowance before they are submitted to LGSC and payments are made to retired employees.


  • Attend Board of Survey on inventory of store.


  • Carry out an audit exercise on the payment of travel claims and overtime for inspectors, drivers and field workers.


  • Perform site visits before claims are processed for payment of outsourced capital project works.
  • Spot check on materials purchased and used on site for in-house projects.


  • Physical control over brush cutters and other assets purchased and used on sites of work.
  • Verify refund of deposit of rental of halls.
  • Perform audit exercise on the payments of overtime and bus fares claimed by welfare staff and field workers.


  • Perform an audit exercise on bills of payment for payment of procurement of goods and services.
  • Attend Board of Survey on unserviceable assets.
  • Audit of Village Council’s records: Cash Books, Vote Ledger Book, Bank Reconciliation.
  • Physical control of fixed assets with Assistant Chief Executive in Village Councils/Sub Halls.



Information Technology Section

This Information Technology Section, commonly known as the IT Section, falls under the Administration Department. It comprises of two staffs namely the IT Officer/Systems Administrator and the Assistant IT Officer.

The IT Section is responsible mainly for the proper management, physical/logical security aspects, and smooth running of the computer systems of the Council.

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • the management of the computer system, viz. Hardware and Software, of the Council (Servers, Personal Computers, Laptops, Printers, Scanners, Network Infrastructure, Database and Application Software)
  • the physical and logical/logistics security aspects of the computer systems
  • the co-ordination of all activities with other Department/Sections
  • database/network administration and management
  • the control and management of the Council’s website
  • the assessment of hardware and software requirements of the Councils
  • the preparation of technical specifications for acquisition of hardware and software
  • the analysis and evaluation of proposals from suppliers
  • the provision of training