The Welfare Department, headed by the Principal Welfare Officer, is one of the statutory departments of the Council. The Welfare Department and the Village Councils cater for the holistic well-being of the citizens through Services in the field of education, culture, sports & leisure.
The aims & objectives of the Welfare Services are to:
- Promote the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of the local community.
- Improve the overall quality of life of people in the local community.
- Ensure that services and facilities provided by the Council are accessible and equitably distributed.
- Ensure that resources are used efficiently and effectively to best meet the needs of the local community.
The Welfare Department and the Village Councils are mainly responsible to meet the social, recreational, sports and cultural needs of the inhabitants. Needs are identified either by the Council or by people who express their needs to the Council. The Council responds by:
- Organising the necessary activities
- Providing resources
- Granting donations & sponsorship for activities organized by associations and NGOs
- Collaborating with other agencies and Ministries.
- Provide additional infrastructures where need arises and ensure maintenance of same
The set of objectives are:
- To achieve a coordinated approach to planning & developing social infrastructures.
- To create greater awareness about our social realities so as to help people to live more fully and effectively.
- To inculcate a culture of ‘good responsible citizenship’ among the residents to involve more in community participation.
- To upgrade existing leisure and community facilities in deprived areas.
- To create new infrastructures and provide services in line with the socio-cultural, sports, Socio-Religious and leisure requirements of the different precincts of the region.
- Organisation of social and cultural activities such as exhibitions, musical performance, seminar, National events, religious festivals, commemoration of international days, etc.
- The provision of resources and logistic support for the organization of such activities as per decision of the Council.
- Organisation of activities in collaboration with other agencies and NGOs.
- Organisation of activities for specific groups such as children, Youth, Women, Senior Citizens and handicapped.
- Organisation of religious activities jointly by the Council and Socio-Cultural associations of the region e.g Divali, Thaipoosam Cavadee, Mahashivratree, Christmas, etc.
- Organisation of cultural program in collaboration with Socio-Cultural and religious associations.
- The provision of logistic support and cash donation for organization for Cultural Program such as, Ougadi show, Divali Night, Eid, etc.
- Organisation of several activities to mark National Day Celebrations.
- Organisation of Music Day Celebration.
- Organisation of seminars, talks and conferences on different social issues.
- Organisation of Women’s activities such as culinary competition, Medical Check-up, workshop and sensitization campaign amongst others for women.
- Celebration of Christmas where gifts are distributed to all children of the region. Special animation is also provided on this occasion.
- Activities for Senior Citizens, e.g seminars, outings, medical Check-up, Lunch, etc.
- Village Halls/ Social Halls/Multi-Purpose Hall/Recreational Shelter are being used for meetings, club activities, social purpose, fitness sessions, Courses. Many Halls are being rented to the public for celebrations and ceremonies (social events) on weekdays after16.00 Hrs and on Saturdays and Sundays.
- The Welfare Department also acts as facilitator to various organization and clubs which contribute for the welfare of the inhabitants.
- Financial assistance is also granted to citizens of the region for calamity such as house burnt.
The Welfare Department uses mostly the ‘Community Based Approach’ among other strategies in trying to achieve its goals and collaborate with community associations within its boundaries.
It is the duty of the Council to strengthen the hands of voluntary agencies doing community work in the field of social welfare, culture, sports and leisure. They are being encouraged to look upon themselves as equal partners in the combined effort to bring about improvement in the social welfare of the community”.
The facilities given to the public include, among others:
- Free access to Courses such as Sewing, embroidery and knitting
- Free use of infrastructures such as:
- Football grounds
- Petanque Pitches
- Sports Complexes
- Children’s Recreational Parks/ Gardens
- Volley-Ball pitches
- Basket-Ball Pitches
- Social Hall/Multi-Purpose Hall/Recreational Shelter
The Welfare Department consists of 26 employees. The Principal Welfare Officer is assisted by one Senior Welfare Officer, one Welfare Officer and one Sewing Class Supervisor.
The Welfare Department has under its responsibility the following sites:
- 46 Children Playgrounds
- 4 Social Halls/Multi-Purpose Hall/Recreational Shelter
- 40 Football Grounds
- 17 Volleyball/Basket Ball Courts
- 24 Petanque Courts
- 23 Mini Soccer Pitches
- 27 Green Spaces/Recreational park
Social Halls/Multi-Purpose Hall/Recreational Shelter
- Camp De Masque Pave Social Hall,
- Trou D’Eau Douce Recreational Shelter,
- Central Flacq Multi-Purpose Hall and
- Bon Accueil Multi-Purpose Hall.
These Social Halls are usually put at the disposal of public for wedding ceremonies and receptions against payment of related fees to the Council. Booking for the use of the Social halls is effected at the Welfare Department during office hours.
Moreover, Social Halls are provided free of charge to Government Institutions and Parastatal Bodies for holding of official functions. Same are also provided free of charge to Religious Associations, NGOs and Public for fund raising activities and social gathering upon the approval of the Council.
Maintenance of Playfields, Green Spaces and Leisure Parks
The Welfare Department is also responsible for the cleaning and mowing of playfields, green spaces and children gardens. Despite limited resources, maximum has been done to deliver a satisfactory service to the inhabitants.
Actually there are 3 gardeners and 6 handy workers posted in the Welfare Department. They are normally called upon to effect mowing and cleaning works of green spaces, children gardens, football grounds and playfields.
Courses Offered
Sewing Class Activities
One of the activities of the Welfare Department is the running of Sewing Classes in Village Halls and Sub Halls. Actually, there are 13 Sewing Mistresses on establishment of the Council and are responsible for 13 sewing classes in the villages mentioned as here under.
SN |
1. |
Mare la Chaux |
Mare la Chaux Sub Hall |
Noon to 15 00hrs |
2. |
Bon Accueil |
Bon Accueil Village Hall |
Noon to 15 00hrs |
3. |
Camp Ithier |
Camp Ithier Village Hall & Isidore Rose Sub Hall |
Noon to 15 00hrs |
4. |
Clemencia |
Clemencia Village Hall |
Noon to 15 00hrs |
5. |
Quatre Cocos |
Camp Rannoo Recreational Shelter & Quatre Cocos Village hall |
Noon to 15 00hrs |
6. |
Lallmatie |
Lallmatie Village Hall |
Noon to 15 00hrs |
7. |
St Julien Village |
St Julien Village Hall |
Noon to 15 00hrs |
8. |
Sebastopol |
Sebastopol Village Hall |
Noon to 15 00hrs |
9. |
G.R.S.East |
G.R.S East Village hall |
Noon to 15 00hrs |
10. |
Queen Victoria |
Queen Victoria Village hall and Bonn Mère Sub Hall |
Noon to 15 00hrs |
11. |
Olivia |
Olivia Village Hall |
Noon to 15 00hrs |
12. |
Medine |
Medine Village Hall |
Noon to 15 00hrs |
Gym Classes
SN |
Bel Air Rivière Sèche |
Bel Air Village Hall |
1730 hrs – 19 30 hrs |
2. |
Camp de Masque |
Camp de Masque Village hall |
1600 hrs- 20 00hrs |
3. |
Camp de Masque Pavé |
Camp de Masque Pavé Village Hall |
17 00 hrs-19 00hrs |
4. |
Mare la Chaux |
Mare la Chaux Sub Hall |
1600 hrs- 20 00hrs |
5. |
Poste de Flacq |
Poste de Flacq Village Hall |
1800 hrs -20 00hrs |
6. |
Quatre Cocos |
Quatre Cocos Village Hall |
17 00 hrs-19 00hrs |
7. |
Lallmatie |
Lallmatie Village Hall |
17 00 hrs-19 00hrs |
8. |
Laventure |
Laventure Village Hall |
1800 hrs -20 00hrs |
9. |
Queen Victoria |
Queen Victoria Village hall and Bonn Mère Sub Hall |
1600 hrs- 20 00hrs |
10. |
Trou D’Eau Douce |
Trou D’Eau Douce Gym |
17 00 hrs-19 00hrs |
The following courses are also offered free of cost in various Village Halls:
- Yoga Classes
- Zumba Classes
- Self Defence Classes
For further details kindly contact the Welfare Department during working hours on 4132600 Ext 201 & Ext 202
Sports Ground
List of sports ground football – Click Here To Download The List
Volleyball/Basket Ball/Tennis Courts
All Volley Ball courts have lighting facilities from 17 30 hours to 21 30 hours
SN |
1. |
Morc La Lucie Building Multi-Purpose Pitch |
2. |
Camp de Masque Volleyball Pitch, Behind Camp de Masque Village Hall, Royal Rd, Camp de Masque |
3. |
1. Camp Ithier Volleyball Pitch Near Camp Ithier Football Ground 2. Camp Ithier Tennis Court |
4. |
Argy Volleyball Picth, Residence Argy, Central Flacq |
5. |
Clemencia Volleyball Pitch, School Rd, Clemencia |
6. |
Ecroignard Volleyball Pitch, Near Ecroinard Village Hall |
7. |
GRSE Volleyball Picth, Poste Office Rd, Ecroignard |
8. |
Lallmatie Volleyball Pitch, Near Lallmatie Football Ground |
9. |
Laventure Multi-Purpose Pitch, Near Laventure Football Ground |
10. |
Mare La Chaux Volleyball Picth, Compound of Mare La Chaux Social Welfare Centre |
11. |
Medine Volleyball Pitch, Morc Alteo, Medine |
12. |
Olivia Volleyball Pitch, Near Olivia Football Ground |
13. |
Poste de Flacq Volleyball Pitch, La Gare, Poste de Flacq |
14. |
Sebastopol Volleyball Pitch cum Tennis Court & Basket Basketball Court, Camp Bombay Rd, Sebastopol |
15. |
St Julien Volleyball Picth, Compound of St Julien Village Hall |
16. |
Trou D’eau Douce Multi-Purpose picth |
Mini Synthetic Soccer Synthetic Pitch
SN |
1. |
1. La Lucie Building Synthetic Soccer Pitch, Morc La Lucie Building, Bel Air 2. La Lucie Roy Synthetic Soccer Pitch |
2. |
1. Bon Accueil Synthetic Soccer Pitch, Quatre Bord Rd, Bon Accueil 2. La Tapie Synthetic Soccer Pitch |
3. |
Brisee Verdiere Synthetic Soccer Pitch, Guttee Lane, Brisee Verdiere |
4. |
Petite Cabanne Synthetic Soccer Pitch, Petite Cabanne, Camp de Masque Pave |
5. |
1. Camp Ithier Mini Soccer Pitch, Near Camp Ithier Football Ground 2. Camp Marcelin Synthetic Soccer Pitch, Camp Marcelin, Camp Ithier |
6. |
Plaine de Gersign Synthetic Soccer Pitch, Morc Plaine de Gersigny, Central Flacq |
7. |
1. Belle Rose Synthetic Soccer Pitch, Belle Community Centre Yard, Belle Rose Clemencia 2. Clemencia Synthetic Soccer Pitch |
8. |
Ecroignard Synthetic Soccer Pitch, Morc Alteo, Boundary Lane, Ecroignard |
9. |
1. Grand Bas Fond Mini Synthetic Soccer Pitch, Grand Bas Fond, Lallmatie 2. Lallmatie Synthetic Soccer Pitch, Soubhas Rd, Lallmatie |
10. |
Medine Synthetic Soccer Pitch, Morc Alteo, Medine |
11. |
1. Kewal Nagar Synthetic Soccer Pitch, Compound of Kewal Nagar Community Centre 2. Olivia Mini Synthetic Soccer Pitch Marguerite Street |
12. |
Constance Mini Soccer Pitch, Morc Constance, Poste de Flacq |
13. |
Bonne Mere Mini Synthetic Soccer Pitch, NHDC, Bonne Mere |
14. |
1. Sebastopol Mini Synthetic Soccer Pitch, Royal Rd, Sebastopol (near Village Hall) 2. Pellegrin Mini Synthetic Soccer Pitch (near Bus Park) 3. Lesur Mini Synthetic Soccer Pitch |
15. |
Trou D,Eau Douce Mini Synthetic Soccer Pitch, Sept Croisee, Trou D’Eau Douce (near Football Ground) |
List of activities for 2022
Activity |
Date |
Inauguration of the New Administrative Building of the District Council of Flacq |
10 February 2022 |
Inauguration of Pere Egan Stadium |
16 March 2022 |
Inauguration of Mare La Chaux Children Playground and Family Corner |
28 March 2022 |
Inauguration of Poste de Flacq Gym |
25 May 2022 |
Inauguration of Medine Mini Synthetic Soccer Pitch |
27 July 2022 |
Inter- Village Petanque Tournament at Belle Mare Public Beach |
07 August 2022 |
Inauguration of Sebastopol Mini Synthetic Soccer Pitch |
01 September 2022 |
Inauguration of Ecroignard Mini Synthetic Soccer Pitch |
01 September 2022 |
Divali Nite at Bramsthan |
22 October 2022 |
Inauguration of Belle Mare Leisure Park |
23 October 2022 |
Inauguration of Clementia Mini Synthetic Soccer Pitch |
26 October 2022 |
Laying of Foundation Stone Ceremony of Petite Cabane Sub Hall |
04 November 2022 |
Inauguration Ceremony of Camp de Masque Pave Gym |
11 November 2022 |
Inauguration Ceremony at La Tapie Mini Synthetic Soccer Pitch |
09 November 2022 |
Inauguration Ceremony of Laventure Petanque Court and Children Garden |
16 November 2022 |
Inter Village Football Tournament In coonection with ADC-AUA |
13 November 2022 and 27 November 2022 |
Inauguration Ceremony of Camp Ithier Tennis Court |
18 November 2022 |
Inauguration of Ecroignard Children Garden |
23 November 2022 |
Inauguration of St Julien Jogging Track |
30 November 2022 |
Inauguration of Petite Retraite Children Playground |
09 December 2022 |
Inauguration of Queen Victoria Children Garden |
18 December 2022 |
Christmas at Lallmatie |
18 December 2022 |
Inauguration of the National Geographical Information System & Inauguration of the Control Room of the I.Council |
20 December 2022 |
Inauguration of Palmar Sports Complex & Quatre Cocos Gym |
21 December 2022 |
Inauguration of Bramsthan Health Track |
22 December 2022 |
Inauguration of GRSE Petanque Court and Children Garden |
23 December 2022 |