The Finance Department plays a determining role in the overall functioning of the Council. It is composed of five sections namely, Income, Examination, Expenditure, Payroll and Stores.


Main Functions   

  • To prepare and monitor the Council’s budget;
  • To monitor the Council’s expenditure and ensure that funds are disbursed in line with existing financial regulations;
  • To ensure that all fees due to the Council are collected;
  • To process all payments to suppliers, employees and others;
  • To process procurement exercise for the Council and manage store;
  • To prepare detailed accounts of the Council;
  • To manage the Council’s banking business and investments.

    For proper planning, organising, control, monitoring and communication of Council’s activities both the District Council and the Village Council prepares an Annual Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure which requires prior approval of the Council and the Minister of Local Government and Disaster Risk Management.

    Following amendment brought to the Local Government Act 2011 through the Finance and Audit (amendment) Act 2015 and the Finance (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2015, budgets are being prepared by using the Line Budgeting.

    Under the line budgeting, the Administration and Finance Departments are being grouped under one program as the Administration and Finance Department whereas Public Infrastructure Department, Public Health Department, Land Use and Planning Department and Welfare Department are grouped under Provision of Services and Other Facilities.


    Operating Hours of Cash Office

     On week days from 9.00 hrs to 15.00 hrs

    Council’s Revenue and Expenditure

    Council’s main sources of revenue are from the Central Government – Grant-in-Aid, Trade Fees, fees from Markets and Fairs, Building and Land Use Permit fees, Advertisement and Publicity fees.

    Council’s ‘own’ revenue raising capacity being limited, our budget is financed at mainly by the Government in terms of grant -in-aid. 

    It is worth pointing out that the bulk of the Expenditure is being incurred by the Works and Health Departments only, as these departments are the main ones which provide the essential services, such as scaveng­ing, construction of roads and drains, street lighting etc.