The Land Use and Planning Department is setup under Section 67 (1) of the Local Government Act (LGA) 2011 (as subsequently amended).  The Head, Land Use and Planning Department is responsible for the overall management of the department and is assisted by the following Officers:

  • The Planning & Development Officer
  • Planning and Development Inspectors
  • Building Inspector
  • Assistant Building Inspectors
  • Planning and Development Assistants
  • Office Management Assistant (Vacant)


The Department is responsible for all matters pertaining to land use matters as provided in the Local Government Act 2011 (as subsequently amended)  Town and Country Planning Act 1954 (as subsequently amended), the Planning & Development Act 2004, the Building Control Act 2012, The Morcellement Act 1990, The Sugar Industry Efficiency Act 2013, and Environment Protection Act 2002.

As such, the department is responsible for the following:

  1. Registration, classification & processing of all applications for Outline Planning Scheme (OPP) for Building and Land Use Permit (BLUP), including authorization under the Building and Control Act for the installation of electric engines.
  1. Advise and guide applicants on the planning policies applicable for different development proposed within the Council’s planning area and the applicable guidelines, legislations and regulations.
  1. Process requests for ‘exempt development’ and related matters
  1. To attend promptly and diligently into complaints from members of the public and different Authorities regarding illegal development work as defined under the Local Government Act 2011 as subsequently amended.
  1. To issue notices (Compliance Notice, Enforcement Notice and Pulling Down notice) for infringement of the Town and Country Planning Act 1954 (as subsequently amended), the Planning and Development Act 2004, the Building Control Act 2012, Morcellement Act and Local Government Act 2011 (as subsequently amended).
  1. To effect development control to ensure that developments are properly implemented such that the overall character and amenity of the adversely affected.
  1. Attend regularly to meetings, comply and execute decisions taken by:
  • Land Conversion Committee of the Ministry of Agro-Industry.
  • Morcellement Board of the Ministry of Housing & Lands.
  • PER/EIA meetings of the Ministry of Environment, Sustainable Development, Disaster & Beach Management.
  • Ministry of Local Government.
  • Urban Transport Programme Secretariat.


For the purpose of carrying out any development works as defined in the Local Government Act 2011 as subsequently amended namely:

  • construction works involving a permanent or temporary structure;
  • and includes;
    1. The erection, extension or demolition of a building;
    2. The alteration of, or repair to, a building;
    3. The making of a material change in the use of a building or land within the curtilage of the building;
    4. The division of land;
    5. Any construction on any drain, river, canal or any other watercourse;
    6. Any site preparation works or excavation works carried out for the purpose of subparagraph 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, including urban landscaping works

Provision has been made for Local Authorities to process and issue Building and Land Use Permits through the new National E-licensing System platform on the following link:

The Land Use and Planning Department is managed by GIS technology and applications are being worked out using GIS Maps and archiving.  This has added value and has been helpful in the administrative and technical processes of applications.

GIS technology has given a new dimension to assessment by allowing the viewing of the application in an actual map which include also other layers such as the Development Management Map for the District Council Area and all documents uploaded in the system are viewable concurrently. The GIS technology helps us in getting accurate information on surroundings of site thus making assessment of applications more accurate.